الاثنين، 24 أغسطس 2015

Pediatric Course Review For 6 year medical Students

1- Hypocalcemia is characterized by all of the following features except :

A- Numbness and tingling of circumoral regions.
B- Hyperactivity tendon reflexes.
C- Carpopedal Spasm
D- Shortening of QT interval in ECG.

2- The first evidence of pubertal development in female is :

A- Appearance of breast buds.
B- Onset of menarche
C- Appearance of axillary hair.
D- Appearance of pubic hair.

3- Boner age is normal in :

A- Hypothyroidism.
B- Genetic short stature.
C- Hypopitutarism.
D- Emotional deprivation.

4- Retardation of skeletal maturity can be caused by all except :

A- Chronic renal failure.
B- Hypothyroidism.
C- Protein energy malnutrition.
D- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

5- When the child is not able to perform skipping, walking, on heels, hopping in place or going forward in tandem gait, his motor development is considered to be below :

A- 3 years.
B- 6 years.
C- 4 years.
D- 7 Years

6- The following is a delayed milestone development :

A- Head elevation at 12 week.
B- Pincer grasp at 9 months.
C- Bisyllable at 12 months.
D- Stand with support at 10 months,

7- Vocabulary of 11/2 year old is :

A- 5 words.
B- 10-20 words.
C- 20- 30 words.
D- 30-40 words.

Answers :

1- D
2- A
3- B
4- D
5- B

Skipping - 4 years           Walk on toe-tip - 2.5 years
heel-to--to- walks and jumps on foot - 5 years                       Hopping in a place - 4 year

6- C

Delayed development if :
   - Absence of pincer grip by 10-11 month
   - not able to say ba or da by 8-9 months
   - not able to stand holding on by 9-10 months.7- 

7 - B
          By 12 months - can use 2 words with meaning   
          By 18 months use  10 –25 words

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